Since it first launched 11 years ago, Stoptober has helped over 2.5 million people make a quit attempt. This year, the campaign is helping the nearly 6 million smokers in England build their confidence and give quitting a go.

It’s never too late to quit – stopping smoking brings immediate benefits to health, including for people with an existing smoking-related disease.

And did you know? On average smokers spend £38.59 a week on tobacco. That means they could have around £2,000 more to spend a year by quitting.

Essex Working Well is part of the Essex Wellbeing Service who have a dedicated Stop Smoking service with lots of ways to help you quit.

Why not give them a call on 0300 303 9988 or email if you’d like support for your employees.

You can also find useful resources to stop smoking at the NHS Better Health Quit Smoking website, which includes a Quit Smoking App