Morning Champions – new Men’s Exercise programme
The Morning Champions program from Fusion is aimed at combating social isolation and men’s physical and mental health, through exercise and mindful practices. The group is aimed primarily...
FSB Essex Budget Briefing 2024
We are proud to promote the FSB Budget briefing. FSB and guests will deconstruct the Budget, just 48 hours after it has been delivered. In a panel-style event...
Big Team Challenge Gallery January 2024
Congratulations to everyone who took part, here is a selection of how you completed your steps:  
Recycle your Christmas tree and sweet tubs
Tub2Pub – Sweet tub recycling scheme Greene King pubs are running their Tub2Pub recycling campaign, and they’ll be taking them in from 1st January 2024.  They are doing...
Working Well launching Gambling Harm awareness training for your workplace
    Gambling Harm Key Facts:  There are a reported 400,000 adult experiencing gambling harm in the UK, with almost a further 2 million at risk with research...
Parents Summer Activity Guide
The summer holidays can be difficult when managing work and family life, so we have gathered together a range of events and activities, and money saving ideas to...
Forced Marriages and Modern Slavery
Forced Marriages Awareness Week – 7th-11th July 2023 School summer holidays are a peak time for young people to be taken overseas and forced into marriage against their...
Learning and Development Week 15-19th May 2023
Why not run a Learning and Development campaign this May? It’s an opportunity for staff to connect, learn something new and have fun.  Depending on the type of...
Anglia Ruskin University celebrates International Day of Happiness
International Day of Happiness – Mon 20th March 2023 Working Well organisation, Anglia Ruskin University has a vibrant “creative community” who meet regularly and run a wide range...
Carers First Congratulations – Best Charity/Not-for-profit award
Congratulations to Carers First who has won the award for Best Charity/Not-for-profit Campaign at the 2023 UK Digital Excellence Awards. The award-winning Lighten the Load campaign, that ran throughout October...
Easter Sweet Treat – Hot Cross Bun mug cake
ARU Creative Community Emma and the team at Anglia Ruskin University have shared a fantastic, quick and energy efficient way to create a sweet treat this Easter.  It...
Calling all Footballers – Working Well Football Tourament
Working Well used to run annual inter company football tournament before the pandemic, but now we think it is time to re-start this popular event. We are looking...