Congratulations to the 17 organisations that took part in our first Commonwealth Games Big Team Challenge. Our winning team crossed the line 4 days before the end of the Challenge – well done PoHC Winning Walkers!

295 staff took part covering a massive 31,705,485 steps and 13,553 miles during the 12 day challenge walking to each of the 7 UK host sites.

“Our team absolutely love these challenges, they have really made a difference to our mental and physical health, and we will keep an eye out for the next one” 

“Thanks for organising this.  It has been a positive experience for our team and we’ve had a laugh watching teach members completing with each other”

As a relatively young and somewhat sedentary person, this was such a great challenge.  It has really sparked me back into life after years of working from home and sitting in the same spot day in, day out.  Please do run more of these in the future, the competitive element really helped with the motivation to get moving!”

Thank you for everyone who shared their photos.  The Carer’s First Team – Wobbly Walkers aka Veronica, Cari, Carrie Anne, Gillian, Jane and Jenny, shared the photos of their daily walks, which included: Dedham, Colchester, Coggeshall, Whipsnade, Nuns Bridge, Chelmsford, Stock and Marks Hall – well done guys!

Watch this space … we’ll be running another Challenge very soon!