Mental Health Support Directory:

  • NHS 24/7 urgent mental health support 111 option 2
  • Hub of Hope – National Mental Health Database of  organisations, charities offering mental health support and advice
  • Stay Alive App – A pocket suicide prevention resource for the UK
  • Papyrus – under 35’s  dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health
    0800 068 4141 (free 9am-midnight)
  • Shout: Text 85258 –  If you are struggling to cope and need to talk, our trained Shout Volunteers are here for you, day or night. If your life is at imminent risk, please call 999 for immediate help.  hout 85258 is a free, confidential, anonymous text support service. You can text from wherever you are in the UK
  •  Switchboard LGBTQ+ helpline – Tel 0300 330 0630 (lines open 10am-10pm).  Online chat
  • Mind Out – Aimed towards the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans & Queer community.  Online chat.
  • The Outhouse –  registered charity providing opportunities for LGBTQ+ people in Essex. – 01206 871394
  • MindLine Trans – supporting people who identify as transgender, agender, gender-fluid and non-binary.  confidential emotional, mental health support helplineIMAlive – live online network that uses  instant messaging to respond to people in crisis
  • The Silver Line – help for older people – 0800 4708090 (free 24/7)
  • Campaign Against Living Miserably:  CALM – offer a confidential, anonymous and free support, information and signposting through the helpline or webchat – 0800 585858 (free 5pm – midnight)
  • Samaritans – Registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide.  116123 (free 24/7)
  • ARMS – At Risk of Mental State Service (Psychosis) –
  • Farm Safety Forum – support for the farming community – Mind Your Head campaign, ensuring the next generation of farmers is resilient and equipped with smart strategies and specific skills to live well and farm well
  • Battle Scars – support for anyone affected by self-harm.  Do not offer crisis support.  If you have been affected by self harm, you are not alone.  A charity dedicated to reducing the stigma and raising awareness of anyone affected by self injury. Peer support groups available
  • 7 cups – if you are experiencing depression, anxiety, relationship issues or want someone to listen.  free online chat 24/7
  • Nightlife– University Students – emotional support for students in distress.
  • Student Minds – for students struggling with mental wellbeing or looking to  support someone you know
  • The Mix – under 25’s.  Free, confidential helpline for young people who need help but don’t know where to turn
  • Conversations Matter – a practical online resource to support safe and effective discussions about suicide.
  • The Compassionate Friends – support for bereaved parents and their families – 0345 123 2304 (daily 10am-4pm and 7pm-10pm)
  • Jacobs One Million Lives – a free mental health check-in toolSibling Support – designed by siblings, for siblings..  Helping young people cope with death.
  • Rethink Mental Illness – providing expert advice and information for anyone affected by  mental health problems. – 0808 801 0525(weekdays 1-4pm)
  • At a Loss –  if you have been affected by suicide and are struggling, you can find all the help you need in one place.  Helpline available 9am-9pm Mon – Friday
  • Andy’s Man Club  – for men, providing face to face meetings every Monday (except Bank Holidays) at 7pm.  Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
  • MIND – Side By Side –  a supportive online community where you can  feel at home talking about your mental health
  • SOBS – Survivors of Bereavement By Suicide – Support for anyone bereaved by suicide
  • The Good Grief – anyone experiencing grief
  • Cruse – support for anyone bereaved
  • Bereavement Advice Centre – There are many practical matters to attend to when someone dies.  Bereavement advice on what they need to do after a death

Suicide prevention should be an integral part of a positive and proactive approach to mental health at work. But no mental health policy can ever eliminate the risk of suicide. So it is of paramount importance to incorporate a suicide postvention protocol into a company’s crisis management strategy. This Suicide Postvention Toolkit is designed to support employers in their response to the suicide of an employee, at work or outside the workplace. It was produced in partnership with Public Health England and supported by Samaritans.

Crisis Management in the event of Suicide- a Postvention Guide for Employers (BITC) – download the toolkit here

ACL Mental Health and Wellbeing training and support

The enclosed brochure is regularly refreshed and revised, so please also refer to the website

Sessions include:

  • Mental Health Recovery – 2 week and 6 week programmes
  • Nutrition Body and Mind
  • Qualifications and Skills for Employment
  • Careers and Employability skills