Let’s celebrate the array of sport captivating us this summer! From the youngest fans to the oldest enthusiasts, the coming month provides a unique opportunity to witness the incredible feats of ability and spirit of perseverance that makes those competing successful.
The Olympic Games is often regarded as the pinnacle of international events and highlights how physical activity can unite people across the globe and inspire a generation who may be exploring what activity works for them. Over 30 sports will be broadcast and showcased during the Olympics in Paris and it’s an amazing opportunity to appeal to a younger audience, showing them people from different cultures and background can achieve greatness with determination, perseverance and teamwork.

The Move With Us campaign embodies the belief that engaging young people in physical activity can enrich their development and also their mental wellbeing. The monthly movemakers are another example of highlighting a specific activity and its benefits from football to swimming. Showcasing the variety of options available to young people will hopefully create a surge in participation as they learn there’s more to activity than what’s offered in school.
The performances over the summer can be a catalyst for change in adults and young people who want to move more and experience the kind of motivation that drives the athletes we watch. Inspiration from events is an amazing form of motivation and we know this from Ford RideLondon Essex 2023 as 80% of spectators felt inspired to move more! For those who have been inspired to find what works for them, the Find Your Active activity finder is a great tool to utilise and explore: https://www.activeessex.org/activity-finder/ .

This summer also highlights the progress made in promoting diversity and inclusion in sports. From gender equality in competitions to increased representation of athletes from diverse backgrounds,
the world of sports is becoming more inclusive. Celebrating these achievements is important as it shows that sports are for everyone, regardless of age, gender, or background.
As we gear up for a summer filled with sporting excitement, let’s take a moment to appreciate the inspiration it brings to people of all ages. As well as the enrichment that activity can bring to our lifestyles through boosted mental and physical wellbeing!

Visit: www.activeessex.org/find-your-active


Morning and Lunchtime 15 minute online Workouts

Workplace Zoom Sessions:

Monday’s 9:00 – 9.15am: Lindsey – Move and Stretch  Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 857 0196 5702
Passcode: 030174

Tuesday’s 12:00 – 12:15 with Chloe Townsend – Lunchtime Energiser  Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 830 4829 4750
Passcode: 714925

Wednesday’s 08.45 – 09:00am with Chloe Townsend – Cardio Blast  Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 396

Thursday’s 09:00 – 09:15 am with Chloe Townsend – Total Tone  Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 854 5969 0931
Passcode: 629695

Friday’s 08.45 – 09:00 am with Lindsey Abbott – Move and Stretch  Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 7303 0512
Passcode: 218151

Workplace Pledge and Active Travel Toolkit

You can download social medial pledge cards, which can be used in emails, to help show what you and your workplace/team will pledge to do.  You can also access the Newsletter and other useful resources  For more details about the Pledge and to download your Active Travel Toolkit and Workplace guide

Find Your Active is focused on helping people find time to move, get more active and enjoy the benefits. This month it about bringing to focus the importance of workplaces encouraging physical activity.

Working in a busy office can often result in long hours spent at a desk but workplaces and their employees should adopt a new way of working in which physical activity opportunities are injected into every day. This could include creating a 50 minute meeting with a 10 minute stretch to finish which encourages a group movement stretch to relieve aching muscles and energise. Small changes such as this could initiate long-term benefits for both the employees and the workplace.

Not only are there physical benefits to promoting an active workplace but mental benefits also. Activities such as stretching, or yoga can increase serotonin levels and subsequently reduce stress and stabilise one’s mood. In a stressful working environment this could be vital.

Outside of the office, travelling to work is another opportunity to get active! If you can, why not try walking, scooting or cycling into the office to increase your activity levels whilst also doing your bit to reduce the greenhouse emissions and help improve air quality.

Introducing these small changes into your life could help in the long term and increase your energy levels day to day which will reflect in your working life.

To find out more, visit the webpage below, or get in touch to see how we can support.
