Since we launched Managers Mental Health Awareness eLearning in July, we have had a fantastic response.

What does it include?

Our 45-minute Mental Health Awareness eLearning for managers includes everything you need to know including…

  • Understanding your responsibilities as a Manager.
  • Recognising changes in your employees.
  • Starting a conversation.
  • Assessing risk.
  • Sources of support and signposting.
  • MHFA and the workplace.

Who’s eligible?

If you are signed up for one of our Working Well programmes, your managers can take advantage of this great free eLearning.

Here’s what you said about the training:

“Being a trainer of Mental Health Awareness in our workplace it is sometimes hard to adapt a sessions to meet all levels of the hierarchy and so for me as a manager, I also found this training session to have been of great benefit all round, due to being able to look at how we approach and train our managers to be more responsive to employees and their needs”

“The session was easy to follow and listen to. The advice was sound and made me feel more confident about mental health in my team.”

“Really useful eLearning session”

“Make it more readily available to staff.  Informative and easy to navigate”


When is it and how do organisations sign-up?

The eLearning is available for you to access 24/7, links are provided in our Weekly Email. Not signed up for one of our programmes? It’s simple to do, just click below.