Big Team Challenge: Update
We’re all athletes  – how are you getting your steps in? We have 291 participants taking part … and so far we’ve covered a total of 14,826,316 steps...
Mental Health Support Groups for Men in Essex
Essex Mental Health Support Groups for Men We are losing too many of our men to suicide – globally 3:1 (men to women).  Our Essex men and lads...
Essex Highways: Mental Health Awareness Week programme
Mental Health Awareness week programme for staff Monday 9th May saw the beginning of Mental Health Awareness Week and our Working Well and Positive Mental Health Champions organised...
Ride London: My Story
Congratulations! We would like to send a BIG congratulations to Jo Cory, Corporate Health & Wellbeing Office, Brentwood Borough Council, who recently completed the gruelling 102 mile ride...
May 2022 Free Business Advice Packs available to organisations
Sign up for your free business advice pack Essex Climate Commission has just released their free business advice packs, available here. They include advice on a range of...
Zero Suicide Alliance eLearning
FREE online training ZSA training is an essential element of the Working Well programme, for Managers, MHFAiders and staff alike.  The FREE eLearning is an easy way to...
Working Well – NHS Health Checks
NHS Health and Wellbeing Checks Working Well are partnering with the EWS NHS Check team.  You’ll be able to book the mobile unit to come to your workplace,...
In-house Stop Smoking training and support for your workplace
Smokefree 2023     NHS Stop Smoking Advisor training The Essex Wellbeing Service can train your employees to deliver free workplace Stop Smoking Support.  What are the benefits?...
The ‘Find Your Active’ Workout Channel has re-launched
Find Your Active Workout Channel The ‘Find Your Active’ Workout Channel has re-launched and now has new activities being added every week! A new timetable will be uploaded...
Congratulations Welcome to Working Well
Congratulations to the following organisations who have joined Working Well in April: Longfields Medical Centre Old Road Medical Practice Elizabeth Coutauld Medical Centre North Chelmsford Health Care Centre...
Mental Health Services Commissioned in Essex
Lunch and Learn:  Mental Health Services commissioned for Essex It was a pleasure to host Claire Cowdery, Mental Health Commissioner from Essex County Council this month, who explained...
Essex County Council Launches Family Friendly Employer Charter
Family Friendly Employer Charter Lunch and Learn session We would like to thank Avjeet Grewal for joining us to share the new Essex County Council Family Friendly Employer...