World Suicide Prevention Day – 10th September 2024

World Suicide Prevention Day is on 10 September. It is an opportunity to raise awareness of suicide and the steps we can take to prevent it and help reduce the stigma surrounding it.

Each week, approximately 115 people die by suicide in the UK. Research has found that as many as 10% of suicides each year could be work-related (All data from Office for National Statistics, Hazards campaign).

We believe that suicide is preventable through education and intervention.

That’s why we are calling on workplaces to embed suicide awareness, prevention, and support into their mental health and wellbeing strategies.

MHFA England have created a poster with advice on how to support someone experiencing thoughts of suicide. Put it up in your workplace to help your people become more suicide aware.

Download resources here

Amparo – Mid and South Essex Specialist bereavement service for suicide

The free Specialist Bereavement Service, delivered by Amparo for residents in mid and south Essex, provides emotional and practical support for anyone who has felt the impact of suicide at any time (recent or historical).

The  service is completely confidential and can provide short-term or longer-term support. It is also available to bereaved children (Aged between 4 and 11 with agreed appropriate adult)  and young adults (Age 11 upwards).

Suicide has a far-reaching impact, leaving questions and concerns on many levels. Those directly affected are left with bereavement and loss, so it is important that help is on hand.

Experienced Liaison Workers, aim to make initial contact within 24 hours of a referral being received, offer residents:

  • Support in their homes or wherever is most comfortable to the resident.
  • One to one individual support
  • Help with any media enquiries
  • Practical support when liaising with the Police or Coroners including preparing for and attending inquest
  • Help overcoming feelings of isolation
  • Appropriate contact with other local services that can help.

Residents can be referred and can self-refer by

Telephone: 0330 088 9255


Referral Form:

Information about the Amparo Service


Vimeo Film:


ReThink Mental Illness – useful resources

Rethink have a wide range of resources available:

How to Cope with Suicidal Thoughts Factsheet

Help is at Hand Factsheet (employers)

Suicide – Coping with Loss Factsheet

Beyond the Rough Rock book (for parents supporting a bereaved child)

Finding the right words booklet (supporting someone who has lost someone to suicide

First Hand Factsheet

Inquests Factsheet

Prisoners and suicidal thoughts factsheet

Ripple Suicide Prevention Webinar – From Awareness to Action: Suicide Prevention in the workplace 10th Sept

It’s a tough topic, that few want to discuss, but one that needs to be on every employer’s agenda.

This World Suicide Prevention Day Alice Hendy MBC joins Simon Scott-Nelson, co-founder of Wellity, to shine a light on sucide risks and guide organisations in creating safe and supportive environments for all.

From Awareness to Action:  Suicide Prevention in the Workplace:

Tue 10th September 2024 at 12 noon

To book your place via Linkedin please search for Ripple Suicide Prevention #WorldSuicidePreventionDay  #WSPD2024 #StartTheConversation


Andy’s Man Club

40% of men have never spoken to anyone about their mental health.  This is true alongside the fact that in the UK, 1 man takes his own life every 2hours.  Something needs to change. (Priory, 1000 men in the UK)

Whether you are going through a storm or just having a bad day, the groups are there for you.

Andy’s Man clubs are held across the Country and in Essex every Monday night at 7pm … no appointment necessary, just turn up.  The groups are free, safe and non-judgemental places for men 18+ to talk.

For more information and to find your nearest group

Alternatively, why not follow them on Linkedin: #ANDYSMANCLUB  #itsokaytotalk #mensmentalhealth # mentalhealth matters


Smashing the Stigma – a suicide awareness event in the Butterfly Meadow, Shenfield – Sunday 8th September

On Sunday 8th September at Butterfly Meadow, in Shenfield, near Brentwood in Essex, an afternoon entitled ‘Smashing the Stigma’, will run from 1.00pm until 4.30pm and will be for those who have lost loved ones, friends or colleagues to suicide, hosted by Bennetts Funerals.

This came about after a local minister contacted Bennetts about working together on an event following a death by suicide within their family unit; this was the trigger Bennetts needed as they had wished to confront this tragic subject for some time.

The afternoon is for those who have lost loved ones to suicide, a chance to talk to others, if they wish to; a time for prayer if they wish to; to gain information and just be amongst those who truly ‘get it’. A subtle butterfly design badge will be given out to identify those who wish to and are willing to talk to others, and a plan is being formulated so those at the day can be part of making a butterfly mosaic for Butterfly Meadow. Other age relevant activities will be available for those wishing to take part.

Bennetts Funerals have been in touch with Andy’s Man Club, The Craig Tyler Trust, Mind and Papyrus, Survivors of Bereavement Through Suicide, Renew and several other organisations who will be there. There will be refreshments, counsellors and others available who can lend an ear and signpost to ongoing support, for adults and children. Essex Working Well and Brentwood Borough Council are supporting the event too, plus St Mary’s Church who are letting us use the church and Butterfly Meadow.

There is limited parking, please use local side streets to endeavour to keep the bend near the church clear.

Bennetts welcome other local support organisations to take part and help on the day, the more volunteers the better! If you are intending to come along, to assist with catering requirements, please email or call on 01277 210104.


Smashing The Stigma – a suicide awareness event

Men Grieve too

Andy’s Man Club also have a powerful video support Grief Awareness day.  Check it out on Linkedin #ANDYSMANCLUB


Survivors of Suicide Loss

Those of us who have experienced this terrible tragedy understand.  None of us need to suffer alone.  Together, we can help each other.  The Mental Health First Aid England training teaches individuals to recognise and feel confident having conversations about suicidal thoughts and behaviours.  Within your workplace, please work towards a culture where anyone can reach out for non-judgemental support.  It’s okay not to be okay … but it’s not okay not to talk about it!

Why not promote your in-house Mental Health First Aiders, or the range of support that is available.