Suicide prevention toolkit 

All of our trained MHFAiders receive exclusive resources to support them to carry out their role more effectively, from Working Well and MHFA England.

To recognise World Suicide Prevention Day on Sunday 10th September 2023, MHFA England have developed a suicide prevention toolkit. This was emailed to all of our MHFAiders on Thursday 24th August 2023, and includes

  • A suicide awareness factsheet
  • A reminder on how to apply the MHFA action plan to a suicide crisis
  • MHFA England’s new Suicide Safety Plan
  • Information on workplace suicide prevention, with helpful guides and tools

World Suicide Prevention Day – Sunday 10th September 2023

Each week, approximately 115 people die by suicide in the UK.  Research has found that as many as 10% of suicides each year could be work-related (ONS, Hazards Campaign).  Suicide prevention should be an integral part of a positive and proactive approach to mental health at work. But no mental health policy can ever eliminate the risk of suicide. So it is of paramount importance to incorporate a suicide postvention protocol into a company’s crisis management strategy. This Suicide Postvention Toolkit is designed to support employers in their response to the suicide of an employee, at work or outside the workplace. It was produced in partnership with Public Health England and supported by Samaritans.

Crisis Management in the event of Suicide- a Postvention Guide for Employers (BITC) – download the toolkit here

Ripple Suicide Prevention Charity

R;pple – a digital tool that can provide immediate support and comfort to people searching for harmful content on suicide and self-harm.  With millions of downloads worldwide, R;pple is intercepting thousands of harmful online searches, continually saving lives from suicide.

Suicide Prevention Consortium – Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) reports – for MHFAiders

This year, the Consortium  have released two reports with embody the commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, read the brief summaries below:

Survivors of Suicide Loss

Those of us who have experienced this terrible tragedy understand.  None of us need to suffer alone.  Together, we can help each other.  The Mental Health First Aid England training teaches individuals to recognise and feel confident having conversations about suicidal thoughts and behaviours.  Within your workplace, please work towards a culture where anyone can reach out for non-judgemental support.  It’s okay not to be okay … but it’s not okay not to talk about it!

Why not promote your in-house Mental Health First Aiders, or the range of support that is available.